Bekah and I got up super early today in order to make it to our third and final food pantry of the trip! It was Baby Day at the shelter, so only people with kids 5 and under came and we gave them food, toilet paper, diapers, and formula. I loved seeing all the kids come in! They were all so happy and giggly :D
Even though the kids were super cute, my favorite thing to do was bag the food and diapers. This is simply because the shelter had this awesome devises that would tape the bag shut for you! All you had to do was twist the bag, slide it into the clicker part of the machine, press down, and VOLA! The bag was taped shut perfectly! We saved so much time by not having to tie each bag! (Shout out to my church family: we need to get one of these for WAC!)
After the food pantry, we decided to get Indian food and then get our nails done. Ready for a funny story? Ok so Bekah and I decided to pick colors that we would never choose normally, which meant that I chose this greeny blue color for my toes. We got on the ferry later, and I took my shoes off and put my feet on the seat. Low and behold my toes were the EXACT same color as the seats on the boat. Like the same shade and everything. I, the girl who would change my outfit 17 times before I would leave the house matching one of my sisters (or Bekah), matched the upholstery on a ferry. Yep, irony rocks.
Once we got back to our hosts house Bekah and I made dinner for everybody, and may I just say, it was delicious! We made these grilled chicken wraps with Ms. Kimminau's recipe.... yum. (Thanks Mrs. K!)
Wanna know what one of the most fun parts of my day was?? Ok, I'll tell you: I got to ride a Harley!!! Kevin, our host, found out I was dying to get (or at least ride) a motorcycle, and he offered to take me for a ride :D It was so awesome! (Don't worry dad, I had every bit of safety gear on possible... besides gloves :) I was wearing leather chaps, a leather jacket, and a helmet with a visor.... I'm a fan of this look for me! Except maybe without the chaps ;)
I loved this ride because it felt so natural. I could totally picture myself riding around on my motorcycle in a leather jacket! I loved the breeze, leaning into the turns, and just... riding.
We got back to the house and Sarah, our hosts wife, had just finished giving Bekah a Henna (a temp tattoo). She looked at me and asked, and what would you like?! I was so excited! At first I was thinking about getting some sort of viny thing around my ankle, but then I saw it. I saw the dragon and I knew it was "the one" haha It's totally girly but super cool at the same time. Needless to say, I LOVE IT!
Before I had decided on the dragon, Sarah's daughter suggested that I get a butterfly. The challenge then became how to incorporate a butterfly into the dragon's design without taking away from the dragon..... Good thing Sarah is a wizard with the henna! She ended up making a miniature butterfly getting toasted by the dragon's flames! haha it's awesome :D (Don't worry, I have pictures for you guys!)
That was pretty much today! We leave Seattle tomorrow afternoon, and then it's off to our second to last stop: West Glacier, Montana! Goodnight :D
I just noticed that there are a lot of foot pictures in this post.... Don't worry! I did get a pedicure earlier today so my feet are all pretty ;) Enjoy!
This blue thing with orange tape is the magic bag taper! I LOVE this thing, and I want one for WAC :D |
Bagging Diapers at the shelter |
Feet on the ferry! |
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Rocking the chaps... just not the pose ;) |
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Leather jacket, a must for any girls wardrobe!
Overview of my henna dragon! |
Butterfly a la fried |
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With the glitter! To quote a friend: Boomtown! I love it :D |
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