Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thoughts on New Experiences

So our stay in Montana is at a close, and our trip is wrapping up nicely.  It’s so hard to believe that this wonderful, insane plan that has been at the back of my mind for two years has become beautiful memories of the most fantastic people and places.  It’s sad to think that it’s almost over, but I wouldn’t trade a moment of it for anything.  

I’ve noticed that time seems to go faster and faster the older I get.

I remember when I was a little girl and my family would go to visit my grandparents.  Whether it was for a weekend or several weeks, I remember thinking of all the time we would have to spend together and all the wonderful things we had planned.  We would have adventures, eat delicious food, and make memories.  I would go to sleep each night so happy and ready for the next day.  Then one day I would wake up and it would be time to go home. 

I used to wish that time would stand still, and that I would be able to stay in those moments forever.  It didn’t take me long to realize that if I were to stay in those moments, I would never experience any of the moments to come. 

Every moment we live is so fleeting.  Every opportunity comes once, and then is gone forever leaving only a memory of what was, or what could have been.  I’ve learned that it’s so important to seize each moment, and live with no regrets.  A life filled with regrets is no life at all.  (No surprise, my mom was the one who taught me that!)  At least if you try something and look silly, you will have lived that moment. 

I’m still working on the execution of this idea.  As I posted a few days ago, in hindsight I notice a lot of missed opportunities, but my eyes are open and I’m not walking around in a daze.  I know I want to live life to the fullest, and I know how to do that. 

Jesus knew the secret of living life to the fullest, and that’s what he showed us through his example.  He taught in John 10 that he came so we might have life, and have it to the full.  Real life, life that is fulfilling and meaningful, is life that is lived to the glory of God. 

The kids ministry at my church has this idea down.  Their ministry is called RAFT and it stands for:
Risking everything (taking chances even when you’re not sure of the outcome)
Asking questions (being fully engaged and aware of what’s going on in people’s lives)
(something that starts with an ‘F’ that I can’t quite remember) and
Telling others (Sharing the hope and good news that we have in Jesus!)

That’s what living for God is, and that’s an adventure that will go on as long as I live!  It’s the only adventure that restarts every moment, and that’s awesome.


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