Saturday, March 22, 2014

Diversity and Me

I've been learning so much this semester.  So much about society, individuals, Philadelphia, and living life "as an adult."  The crazy thing for me though, is how much I've been learning about myself.  I'm not an introvert and introspection isn't my greatest strength, but throughout my life, I've known myself pretty well.  I might not spend time thinking deeply about why I do things the way I do, but I know very decidedly what I like and what I don't like.  (It's ironic then that I originally went into Psychology so that I could understand why people do what they do.  I guess that's other people and not me so in a way it makes sense...maybe.)  

Here in Philly though, I'm being challenged to think about my own motivations everyday.  Why did I react so strongly when I visited the prisons?  Why is it important to me that I find a church?  Why do I try to make friends with people who work at the various establishments I go to?  Why do I enjoy going to coffee shops and bars?  What are my values, and how are they changing or staying the same?  In what ways am I becoming more solid in my beliefs?  In what ways am I questioning things that I have always considered to be true?

I'm learning that boundaries are meant to be stretched.  Justice, entertainment, fulfillment...nothing is black and white.  They mean different things to different people.  I'm realizing that I don't particularly like or enjoy certain things, but that other people do and that's ok.  Likewise, there are some things that are important to me that others don't necessarily agree with.  Everyday I'm experiencing how those differences are not only ok, they add flavor and diversity to life.  

I used to think that diversity was restricted to race and culture.  Now, my eyes are being opened and I'm seeing diversity all around me.  I can see it in the way people walk and talk, in how they spend their time and in the experiences they open themselves up to.  I see diversity in what people believe and in their styles of communicating their beliefs.  Diversity isn't just something that we passively obtain by our birth or upbringing.  It's the way we actively live our lives, and the choices that we make.  

All that to say, that I'm learning things this semester that I've never taken time to think about before—particularly in regards to myself.  So, I wanted to share a "poem" that I wrote as my first assignment here in Philly.  It's about identity.  Usually, I would write a super generic paper introducing myself in terms of where I've lived and what I've done.  However, this time I felt inspired to do something different.  I've never written poetry before so it was kind of a liberating experience.  I also love how it turned's very raw and I like that.

So here it is.  I hope you like it:

I Am Many Things. I Am… Me

I am many things.

I am a daughter, a sister, a grandchild, a niece.
I am a student, an employee.

I am more.

I am idealistic, some say unrealistic, silly.
I am hopeful.  Hopeful that I will live in and create a world in which people are inspired and motivated by their love for one another. 
I am an advocate for opportunity, experience, diversity, and justice.
I am true. 
I am not afraid to be hated or disliked for my beliefs, my opinions. 
I am joyful.           

I am more.

I am a Christian, beloved, child of the King, a servant. 
I am a supporter of the LGBT community.
I am complex, conflicted.
I am called to love.

I am more.

I am a wanderer. 
I am not confined to one place.  The world is my home.
I am confident.  I am bold.  I am smart.  I am adventurous.
I am inspired by challenges. 

I am more.

I am selfish.  I am protective of my own space and time. 
I am weary of spending money.
I am undisciplined in frugality.
I am inexperienced.

I am more.

I am a lover of wisdom and understanding.
I am forever a student, sometimes a teacher.
I am a passionate heart.

I am many things.
I am me.