Saturday, June 30, 2012

Against All Odds

Well, we’ve done it!  Against all odds Bekah and I have arrived safe and sound at our hotel in LA!  It wasn’t a walk in the park… more like a brief walk by the side of the rode, but no harm done.  ;)

Early, early this morning our hostess drove Bekah and I to the Amtrak station in San Diego.  We got there early, and we spent the train trip looking at the houses out the window, watching a Nancy Drew movie, and playing cards.  It was very enjoyable and peaceful, until we arrived in LA….

When we got in the station, Bekah checked her iphone and found out that we would need to transfer through multiple buses (with all of our luggage—which is considerable!) in order to make it to our hotel in about two hours.  Ok, we had planned to use public transportation, so this was fair enough.  We boarded the first bus, and except for accidentally ramming a ladies stroller into her leg with one of our suitcases, we had a pleasant ride. 

Then we transferred to the second bus.  This bus was much emptier, so Bekah and I actually both got to sit down this time!  (Ok, so I’ll admit that so far this is pretty simple.  See a bus, get on, get off, and repeat.  Easy, right? Well yes, at least through the third bus.)

Once Bekah and I had gotten off the third bus, we were very excited that our hotel was only one bus away.  We sat down at the stop and waited… and waited.  After about 10 or 15 minutes, Bekah called the bus station and found out that our bus had been cancelled.  What that means, I have no idea!  All I know is that we had about 130lb of luggage between the two of us, and we were going to be walking for a while.  A mile and a half to be exact.

Thankfully, it was an absolutely gorgeous day with a lovely breeze!  We had walked no more then half a mile when Bekah once again used her cell phone to rescue us.  This time, she called the hotel to see if they had any shuttles running near where we were.  Luckily they told us that there would be one heading back to the hotel from a mall run in about 20 minutes.  WHEW! We decided to wait for it. :D

It was perfect timing too, because by this time we were walking right in front of a Baskin Robins.  So what were we to do while we waited except get some ice cream?!  We sat in the grass (still by the side of the road) and ate our ice cream in the shade of a beautiful tree.  It was quite lovely, and I was entirely satisfied. 

The rest was such a breeze!  The shuttle came, we hopped in, and the nice man drove us (in delicious air conditioning!) the last mile to the hotel.  Now we are sitting upstairs (also in air conditioning) waiting until it’s time for the bus to leave for Disney Land!  I am very excited to see how Disney Land compares to Disney World, and Bekah is over the moon as she is a self-proclaimed Disney fanatic ;) 

Horray for plans that work out against all odds!  I’m so thankful that our trip wasn’t boring, and that we made it safely here!


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