Sunday, June 24, 2012

The What, How’s, and Why’s of the Matter

Summer break is a time for new experiences, various forms of relaxation, and most of all, reversing the affects of sleep deprivation that were acquired throughout the school year.  For me however, it’s become something else as well.  Summer has become a time to explore and exercise my freedom. 

My summer vacations have previously been filled with reading, meeting up with friends, chilling out, staying up late, sleeping in late, and moving from one place to another.  (Fact, I am a military brat.) However, it never failed that at some point in the summer, usually just after the 4th of July, I would get bored.  I had had my fun messing around, relishing the absence of any urgent matters on my itinerary, and I was ready for something interesting and important to happen. 

This summer, it finally did!  My itinerary is filled with wonderful and “urgent” engagements. Here’s the deal: I get to tour the US west coast with my best friend! We’ve spent two years planning, working and reworking details.  We’ve made countless phone calls, and sent so many emails they should have started charging us an Internet usage fee.  No matter what though, every moment spent planning the road trip that would take us all around the Western United States in 30 days was totally worth it. 

Our plans include stops in Tucson, Arizona; Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento California; Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington.  We’re going to meet amazing people, try scrumptious food, relax on gorgeous (overly crowded) beaches, and just spend time marveling at the beauty and expansiveness of God’s glorious creation.

Bingo.  That’s what this whole trip is about to me.  I knew that I would be telling people about this trip, possibly for the rest of my life, and I wanted it to be so much more then, “Yeah! I took a road trip this summer and I went to the beach in LA!”  I mean, come on now, let’s be real here.  I want, to be able to look people in the eye and say, “I got to take a road trip this summer, and it was more than I ever dreamed it could be.  God did amazing things, and I’d like to share with you what those things were.” 

I want God to show me his world.  Yes, I could go around the country and see awesome wonderful things, meet fun people, and have a good time anytime, but I want so much more than that!  I’ve been praying that God would reveal his heart to me this summer.  I’ve asked to see people through his eyes, and to experience the world in light of who he is, and who I am in him.  That’s my dream for this trip.

How exactly does one go about finding God on a road trip?  Well, that’s a question I would love to answer!  Here’s how I plan to go about it: travel to the different cities, see the touristy things, and then focus on the heart of the city.  It’s not just about seeing though, it’s about experiencing and getting involved.  I’m so excited to meet the people who live, work, and spend their lives living beneath the radar. 

My friend Bekah and I have been blessed to find wonderful food pantries and homeless missions to volunteer in while we stay in the various cities during the next 30 days. 

That’s how this blog got its name- Loving For Real.  Jesus said that the way we really love other people is by being a neighbor to everyone we meet, regardless of where they come from, what they’ve done, or anything else.  Loving others is shown in your service to them.  With your time and other resources.  I don’t have a lot of money, so time seemed like the best thing I could give!

I pray that God would reveal his heart for the people in America to me on this trip.  In order to make sure that all the glamorous buildings and people don’t distract me from this, Bekah and I are planning to do a book study together during this trip.  The book is called Just Do Something, and it’s about… well doing something!  Simple as that!  (I’ll let you know more after I actually start reading it ;)

We’ve spent the last few days staying with Bekah’s family in Arizona, but tonight our trip begins for real!  I’ll keep you posted on all that goes on during the next few weeks, and your prayers are very appreciated.  God bless!


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